Madness is almost here, and while all eyes will be focused on the coaches and players, we must not forget the most important ...
If you want to pick your bracket in hopes that the mascots themselves will take the court ... well, you probably shouldn't be picking brackets. But if you insist, go with demons and anthropomorphic ...
Click through the slideshow and behold video footage of the 14 best live mascots in college sports doing what ... cute thing for a dog to do. Mike the Tiger was reluctant to leave his cage for ...
Yet, beyond the sports spectacle, the Games have also propelled two unexpected stars into the spotlight, "Binbin" and "Nini," the official mascots inspired by Siberian tiger cubs born in September ...
Prior to Clemson getting their season started last year, fans across the country could play with the Tigers on EA Sports' newly-launched college football video ...
Many mascots serve as the faces of motivational or advertising campaigns, and companies frequently use these characters to promote their brands. From the Michelin Man and Tony the Tiger to Knorrli ...
Cool fact: A group of representatives from department stores in Calgary decided on the mascot. They chose the polar bear since it remains active in the winter. The tiger frequently appears in ...