During his trial, a psychologist at Taycheedah Correctional Institution testified that Turner, who was dubbed the Halloween ...
Hard rock idol Sammi Curr burns to death in a hotel fire. His biggest fan, Lakeridge High School student and resident metal head Eddie Weinbauer is devastated by the news and turns to local radio ...
It has been edited for length and clarity. My daughter, Julia, was 6 when she went trick-or-treating for the first time without me or my husband, Troy, on Halloween 2021. She's a pretty smart kid ...
As Halloween approached, our kitchen reflected her ramped-up hospitality. Every trick-or-treater received a homemade caramel apple, a homemade popcorn ball and a full-sized candy bar. When ...
Dressed in the costume of a hobo, Lisa French, 9, set off from her Wisconsin home on the evening of Oct. 31, 1973, to go trick-or-treating alone. She never returned. When news of her disappearance ...
a college virgin might have met the right guy for her, a group of mean teens play a prank that they take too far, and a hermit is visited by a special trick or treater.