An appeals court ruled Thursday that California’s law banning gun magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition can ...
Federal Judge Lawrence VanDyke posted an unusual video dissent, accusing Ninth Circuit colleagues of "factual fantasy" knowledge after a magazine ban ruling.
The hearing came five days after the Oregon Court of Appeals found that Measure 114’s language adhered to the state ...
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled California’s ban on standard-capacity gun magazines is constitutional, ...
A gun rights group is urging the Supreme ... Now, the Firearms Policy Coalition and its allies are asking the Supreme Court to affirm that decision and set a nationwide precedent.
A Supreme Court ruling against U.S. gunmakers would open the floodgates for lawsuits against other industries.
The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled that Measure 114, a gun control law approved by voters in November 2022, does not violate ...
An Oregon appeals court has found that a voter-approved gun control law is constitutional, reversing a lower court ruling.
The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday Measure 114, the gun control law narrowly ... Aeillo Jr. said plaintiffs intend to appeal the ruling to the Oregon Supreme Court.
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruling reverses a lower court decision that had found the state law unconstitutional.
A voter-approved gun control law, Measure 114, is constitutional, according to a ruling by the Oregon Court of Appeals.
The Oregon Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday Measure 114, the gun control law narrowly approved by voters in 2022, is ...