No man proved a more worthy opponent to Ulysses S. Grant than Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Lee was born the fourth child of Colonel Henry Lee and Ann Hill Carter on January 19, 1807.
For me, a line was crossed this week when the faculty at Washington & Lee University voted to demand the school drop the second half of its name to erase its affiliation with Robert E. Lee.
Robert E. Lee at age 31, then a young Lieutenant of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1838. PD. Robert Edward Lee is the fourth child born to Colonel Harry and Ann Lee, prominent members of the Virginia ...
Robert E. Lee's birthday is one of three Confederate ... Pascua Florida Day (which marks the discovery of Florida in 1513 by Juan Ponce de Leon) and Flag Day. Tuskegee Airmen Commemoration Day ...
New Robert E. Lee coach Eric Hudson isn’t treating mention of his predecessor as a profanity. No, not at all. Tyrone Rogers, who stepped down last year after his seventh season leading the Generals, ...
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the Jim Plyler Instructional Complex. Robert E. Lee High School was opened in 1958 as an all white school during a period of intense resistance to ...
Lee. Congress dedicated the Arlington House in 1925 to honor Robert E. Lee and his outspoken efforts to reunite the country after the Civil War. The Arlington Memorial Bridge, built in 1932, connects ...