They are likely to receive a raise as employer pay scales are adjusted upward to reflect the new minimum wage. Make sure your gift to Oxfam America goes directly to where it's most needed, without ...
Oxfam predicted that at least five trillionaires ... It also called for steps like the break-up of monopolies, capping CEO pay, and regulation of corporations to ensure they pay “living wages ...
At Oxfam, we know that climate change, poverty, and inequality are linked. Families facing poverty and discrimination pay the highest price when climate disasters strike, robbed of their lives and ...
pay their fair share in taxes,” Biden said in his farewell address. Oxfam is urging governments to commit to ensuring that the incomes of the top 10% are no higher than the bottom 40% worldwide.
Les pays d’origine refusent de rapatrier ces ressortissants ... À la lumière du scandale Oxfam [les révélations d’abus impliquant des employés de l’ONG britannique à partir de 2010 ...
Oxfam appeals to shoppers to choose pre-loved ... but warn strikes could resume. The walkout is over pay with some staff at the anti-poverty charity reporting having to use foodbanks, a union ...
President Emmanuel Macron's promise of greater gender equality has been buried due to insufficient budgets and weak measures, ...
The Oxfam Books and Music shop in Huntingdon, Cambridgeshire, was closed by the charity last year. This prompted volunteers to raise money to reopen it under a different name, The Next Chapter.
Oxfam reported that over the past two years nearly 800 million workers around the world saw their wages fail to keep up with ...
La promesse d’Emmanuel Macron d’une plus grande égalité femmes-hommes a été « enterrée », estime l’ONG Oxfam France lundi ... a été classée 48e pays du monde en matière d ...