Beau Maverick (played by James Garner), father of Bret and Bart announces that he is getting married. The Maverick boys discover that the marriage is a business arrangement, not a love commitment.
LOS ANGELES — Although it may not be known when Anthony Davis will take the basketball court next, the new Dallas Maverick ... show, which involves both Davis and the guys behind the popular TV ...
Maverick is recreated from the character James Garner created in the 1950s TV program. Maverick is a gambler who would rather con someone than fight them. He needs an additional three thousand ...
Wisecracking gambler Bret Maverick and con artist Annabelle Bransford ... star of the original TV series, alongside Graham Greene and James Coburn.
This is the episode that introduces Roger Moore as Cousin Beauregard Maverick. Beau is considered the ""white sheep"" of the family because he had the misfortune of earning a medal in the Civil War.