There were few complaints of forcible splashing of colours, but the majority of the arrests were related to drunken brawls, blocking roads while playing Holi, drinking in the open and creating a ...
The detective department of the Kolkata Police submitted a 140-page chargesheet on Thursday to an Alipore court.
Police have already been working on sensitising areas like Maniktala, Beleghata, Kankurgachi, Baghajatin, Narkeldanga and ...
Abdul Hai, the retired assistant inspector who was earlier attached to the security control organisation of Kolkata Police ...
To combat the increasing cyber threats, Kolkata Police plans to create new senior positions and restructure its cyber wing.
If established, this would be West Bengal’s first permanent Kolkata police outpost inside a university campus.
In the backdrop of the recent student unrest inside the Jadavpur University campus, the Kolkata Police has written to the varsity authorities seeking a place to set up a police outpost there, a senior ...
Stay updated with breaking news, weather updates, bank holidays and upcoming public holidays in march.
A meeting to resolve the stalemate in the campus could not be held with the students protesting against the presence of Prof ...
Kolkata Police detectives on Wednesday visited the house, where three female members of a family were killed last month, and ...
Jadavpur University students meet with officials amid protests over union elections, clash, and police deployment.