Fincantieri CEO Pierroberto Folgiero has said that he envisages the Italian company building ships powered with small nuclear ...
Il Polo Tecnologico della Subacquea impiega 400 persone. Il ceo Folgiero spinge un business che già oggi fattura 500 milioni ...
Maestral, an Abu Dhabi-based shipbuilding joint venture between Fincantieri and EDGE, has lined up a major ‘In-Service Support Strategic Partnership Project’ for the entire navy fleet of the ...
an Abu Dhabi-based shipbuilding joint venture between Fincantieri and EDGE, has lined up a major ‘In-Service Support Strategic Partnership Project’ for the entire navy fleet of the United Arab ...
The cruise ships will be able to accommodate more than 8,300 people including crew, and will be built at the Fincantieri Monfalcone shipyard, near the Italian city of Trieste. They will be ...
Shipbuilder Fincantieri Marinette Marine, Marinette, Wis., announced Jan Allman has returned to the company as chief executive officer. Allman, who served as the shipyard's CEO from 2014 to 2021, succ ...
February 6, 2025 Norway wealth fund places Fincantieri under observation, takes Poland's Orlen off list Norway's $1.8 trillion sovereign wealth fund, the world's largest, said on Thursday it had ...
A picture taken in February 2019 in Monfalcone shows Fincantieri's logo on a crane at the company's shipyard. (Miguel Medina/AFP via Getty Images) ...
Ma spetta a governo Berlino decidere percorso riassetto (Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Roma, "20 set - Fincantieri e' disponibile a una collaborazione, innanzitutto commerciale, con Thyssenkrupp ...