In a bid to have the White House be a model for the country and in solidarity with the general population, First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt -- who also grew up wealthy but was not known for her ...
Eleanor Roosevelt by Bernard T. Frydrysiak, 1946; Oil on canvas; Ford and Marni Roosevelt We recognize the role of first lady as it exists today because of Eleanor Roosevelt.
First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was more sympathetic to black causes. She created a stir when she helped to move Marian Anderson’s performance at the Lincoln Memorial after the black singer was ...
The Arts4all Foundation hosted a commemoration event at Queens College in Flushing, on Tuesday, Dec. 10, to mark the 76th anniversary of Human Rights Day and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt's 140th ...
Biography of former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt, who forged a new role for herself in the years after her husband's death.
Eleanor Roosevelt takes to her new role as First Lady with energy and purpose. She holds weekly press conferences for female reporters only and embraces controversial social programs, such as a ...