Technique tips: Whisk pudding constantly while bringing to a boil to avoid overcooking, creating clumps or burning the bottom. Be sure the pie crust is fully cooked and fully cooled before adding ...
Dust your work surface with flour and roll out the larger piece of dough into a circle roughly 30cm/12in in diameter. Use this to line the pudding basin, leaving the excess pastry hanging over the ...
Bake for 15 minutes at 425 degrees, then turn down the oven to 400 degrees and bake for 30 minutes more. When done, the loaf ...
To honor the late Dianne Byers, we will continue to run previous editions of her “Cooking with Dianne” column as part of our ...
The result is even more delicious! Equipment and preparation: You will need a 1.5 litre/2¾ pint pudding basin, foil and kitchen string. For the suet crust, put the flour and suet into a bowl.
Scrape the hot pudding into the crust and level it with one or two strokes of the spatula. Let cool for 1 hour, then refrigerate the pie. When the filling is cool, cover and chill for at least ...